
13 Spiritual Meanings of Dreaming About the Same Person

Do you know the spiritual meaning of dreaming about the same person, either friend, ex-lover, soulmate, parent, or stranger over and over again? Stay connected to know everything about this dream. Dreams can mean different things to different people. Some people believe that dreams are a way for the brain to process information and sort…


14 Spiritual Meanings of Color White, Symbolism, & Psychology

Different cultures, traditions, and religions often give different symbolic meanings to each color. Likewise, people perceive colors differently on different occasions. In addition, every individual’s experience with different colors is diverse. In this article, we will try to cover the most common symbolic and spiritual meanings ascribed to the color white, along with its representation…


30 Repeated or Recurring Dreams Spiritual Meaning List

Dreams are a natural part of sleep, but for some people, they can become recurring nightmares. Recurring dreams can be very distressing and embarrassing, and sometimes they can be a sign of a more serious mental health condition. Generally, dreams can be boring, interesting, weird, or scary, and some of them are not even remembered….


10 Meanings of Finding Black Feather (Spiritual & Biblical)

Black feathers in dreams, or finding black feathers in real life, can mean many different spiritual meanings depending on the type of dream you had or the circumstances of how you found the feather. They are said to be a special and powerful spiritual symbol. Feathers have long been associated with the power of flight,…